Rumi on wisdom: knowledge seasoned by love

Rumi’s poetry speaks to us from a state of deep inspiration. The luminescence of his verse carries hope, delivers method and the emotional depth needed to find our way to the knowledge seasoned by love—wisdom. From reading Rumi, one learns that there is a rigor to love. That it reaches beyond attachment to something closer to what we do. “Let the beauty we love be what we do.” Love is action, love is devotion, love is a willingness to make sacred the demands of our higher self, cater to its need for beauty, for gentleness, for light. Such practices push us towards the incredible energy, the dynamism that is human happiness. Having acquired it, we naturally share it, deliver it with abundance. It seems that in such a state we no longer ask what can be done? Rather, what is beloved in my life? What do I cherish? What have I rendered sacred?

Musical Selection for this Podcast
  • Suite from “The Hours” Movement I by Phillip Glass; interpretation by Michael Reisman, Anne Manson, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
  • Zaplakala e vdovista from the album Balkan Honey and Blood by Jordy Savall
  •  Suite – Doina, Purtata, Hora ka la kaval  from the album Balkan Spirit by Jordy Savall
  • Adhan (Call to prayer) by Nasser Al Qatami
  • Egyveleg ( Song and Dance in the Budapest Gypsy style) by Gyula Csík, Tcha Limberger, Vilmos Csikos
  •  String Quartet No. 3 “Mishima” by Phillip Glass; interpretation by the Carducci String Quartet

Tutti (Slow-fast) from the album Balkan Honey and Blood by Jordy Savall

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  • You have guided me into a state of purity, cool and soft. While listening to exquisite voice, music, and transcendental musings, quieted and when finished, since I’m at the oceans shore, the softness echos in the reality of tides tangible. Thank you!

  • Hello Maryama. Thank you for a thoughtful presentation on the masterful Rumi. You have chosen beautifully, both in the poems and the music. You are inspirational as you incorporate and interpret the magical words of Rumi. Blessings.